Monday, October 26, 2009

Not So Funny When It's YOU Is It? - A Republican Embraces Healthcare Reform

Yep, if you lose your job and your group insurance coverage, you are on your own for healthcare...
A Republican Embraces Healthcare Reform

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Sick People

So, you think that just because you've got the money to pay health insurance premiums that you should be able to get health insurance? Well, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama doesn't think that. They may call themselves "the Caring Company" but, if you're sick, or have ever been sick, don't come calling on THEM...

BCBSAL prefers to insure healthy people

Health Care Costs Rise 95% In Alabama Since 2000

And, of course, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama controls 83% of the health insurance market in Alabama. Thanks, Blue Cross! Say, don't Phillip and Terry deserve a bonus??

Alabama Health Care Costs Rise 95%

What are the salaries of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama's top executives?

According to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama, in March, 2009, Chief Executive Officer Gary Phillip Pope's salary was $2.95 million and Chief Operating Officer Terry D. Kellogg's salary was $1.84 million. It's heartwarming to see the lengths that Phillip and Terry will go to maintain BCBSAL's "not-for-profit" status. Of course, I suppose they COULD have used some of that money to lower premium rates.
And why not disclose the salaries of all the other top executives - you know, all those Vice-President of whatevers and the all-inclusive title of Director? Those folks all haul down some major jack too, don't they? How 'bout it Phillip and Terry? The truth shall set you free...

BCBSAL talks

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama Strong-arms businesses

It's BCBSAL's way or the highway...

BCBSAL puts squeeze on physicians

BCBSAL puts pinch on physicians

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama Owns 96% of Small Business Market

When Blue Cross talks, you damn well better listen...

BCBSAL owns 96% share of small business market

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama buys 72% of Alabama Legislature

The citizens of Alabama have the finest government that money can buy! We certainly wouldn't want to see those insurance premiums go to waste would we?

Blue Cross of Alabama buys the Alabama Legislature

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The big guns - Blue Cross Blue Shield of everywhere

This discussion regarding healthcare reform has had a downside for the big health insurance companies - and they ususally don't come any bigger than your local Blue Cross Blue Shield. Nothing like raising rates and denying claims in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression to motivate people to want to know just how much the executives at these organizations are hauling down.

So - here's a few links regarding the topic of Blue Cross "executive compensation" from around the country.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida
BCBSFL Executive Compensation

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachussetts
BCBSMA Executive Compensation

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
BCMSMI Executive Compensation

Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina
BCBSNC Executive Compensation
North Carolina actually requires them to report their compensation and makes it viewable online - so, take a look.
BCBSNC Executive Compensation document

Blue Cross in Pennsylvania
Philadelphia's Independence Blue Cross and Pittsburg's Highmark, Inc.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island
BCBSRI Executive Compensation

In the beginning...

Hello everyone -

I've never blogged before so bear with me as I make my feeble attempt. As I am sure most of you know, the country is currently in the middle of a great "discussion" over whether the healthcare industry should be reformed. I am sure that anyone without health insurance has some strong opinions on the subject. Actually, it seems that a majority of folks have an opinion on that subject. At this point in time, however, it appears that those forces in opposition to healthcare reform seem to be the most vocal in getting their opinion in everyone's face. So - I thought that there is a need to provide as much information as possible to help in understanding why those opposed to healthcare reform are on that side of the argument and to provide a forum for the discussion of this phenomenon. This, then, is the intent and purpose of this blog.